If you are
a record-company or a band : we need your support !! Since we
don't receive any salary or subsidy from anyone, we only rely on
the kind help of our correspondents ( labels, managements,
tour-agencies, promo-services, bands...) to keep on with that
exciting experience. We hope for your active collaboration:
promo-CDs and vinyls, bios, pics, info, all that you can send will
be of great use to us. We'll play your music on air, review it on
our website and recommend it to local distributors. And if you
really can't afford to send promo-stuff abroad, please send the
info alone ! An e-mail is easy and cheap and we do need to
be informed.
Thanks a
lot in advance.
If you're
neither a label nor a band but wish to send us a message anyway,
you're welcome indeed !