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Une grave panne d'électricité a causé la disparition de nombreux sites du net aujourd'hui, parmi lesquels et notre audio-blog Comme vous pouvez le constater, celui-ci est déjà de retour et - pour ce que j'ai pu en voir - ne semble pas affecté par cette panne. Over-blog annonce de son côté que tout devrait rentrer dans l'ordre demain. Un peu de patience donc...


22.12.2005: HI, WE'RE BACK


Some time ago, a major problem on my PC forced me to neglect this site for a while because I simply couldn't update those pages anymore. All of the info was then transfered to Rockomondo's audio-blog. Now everything is finally working ( or so it seems...), and I'm gonna start using this site again to publish the setlist of the show every thursday. Also I'm gonna finally put on line that long-delayed report on the Music & Media Conference in Tampere, Finland. And to make things simple and clear, this site will be devoted mostly to information related to the show and will be written in English, while the audio-blog will be more like a webzine and written in French. And yes... we'll be working again on the new website's design. Stay tuned...




Etait-ce vraiment la meilleure chose à faire : lancer un blog alors qu'il n'aura échappé à personne que j'ai déjà bien du mal à tenir ce site à jour ? Eh bien oui, justement ! Le blog permet de faire passer un maximum d'infos sans pour cela perdre un temps fou à la rédaction et à la mise en forme. Du coup, il n'y avait plus à hésiter : le blog de Rockomondo est dés à présent ouvert sur et vous y trouverez des informations quotidiennes sur les musiques rock/ pop/ folk/ électro du monde entier, accompagnées de photos et de mp3's parce que c'est plus sympa. Faites passer le message, merci...


15.06.2005 : SPOT 11


De retour du 11eme Spot Festival à Aarhus, DK, aprés trois jours à me gaver de musique live. La sélection 2005 n'était peut-être pas tout à fait au niveau de celle de l'année passée, mais elle nous a réservé quand même quelques excellents moments, à commencer par la découverte - pour moi, car ils sont déjà passés en France - d' Efterklang live, bien meilleurs à mon avis en comité restreint ( 8 personnes quand même !) que sur leur surchargé 1er album . Et puis aussi, dans une veine trés différente, la pop jubilatoire des Figurines, déjà euphorisante sur disque, et dont on a découvert qu'elle l'était encore bien plus sur scène. Et encore les hallucinants Finlandais de Cleaning Women, Green Concorde en meilleure forme que l'année dernière aux Pays-Bas, les prometteurs Spleen United dont l'album paraitra à la rentrée, les toujours excellents Norvégiens Real Ones, sans oublier celle dont la voix me fait fondre à chaque Spot Festival : Camilla Munck ( + Moogie Johnson à la guitare). On ferait le déplacement rien que pour elle !


Back from Spot 11 festival in Aarhus DK, after 3 days spent at listening to live music. Maybe the 2005's bill was not as good as last year's, nevertheless we enjoyed some very fine moments, beginning with the truly excellent Efterklang, far better on stage - in my opinion - than on their over-produced first album. Another good find was the bouncy pop of Figurines, even more euphorizing live than on their great second CD "Skeleton". Other highlights included the incredible Cleaning Women from Finland, Green Concorde in far better health and form than last year in The Netherlands, the promising synth-pop of Spleen United, the Norvegian Real Ones, always terrific live, not forgetting the girl with the most thrilling voice ever: Camilla Munck (+ Moogie Johnson on guitar): I could drive all the way to Aarhus only for her.


MP3's// Figurines: " The wonder" " Whatever you found ( live on the Danish National radio)" .... BUY


MP3's// Green Concorde: " Ten cities of Green Concorde" " 226" " Detroit" ..... BUY


MP3's// Camilla Munck & Moogie Johnson: " Ease me" " For my sweetheart"..... BUY


Video-clip// Cleaning Women: " Hotel Jungle Fever" ....... BUY THE CD




Eh bien voilà, c'en est fini avec l'émission spéciale Danemark. Il y avait tellement de matériel cette année qu'il a bien fallu adopter quelques règles. Pour commencer, on a décidé de laisser de côté les artistes qui figuraient déjà dans l'édition Danoise 2004, à moins qu'ils aient sorti un nouvel album entre temps. On n'a gardé également que ceux qui avaient déjà publié un album ( à une exception près: Leisure Alaska). Il n'empêche qu'avec ces restrictions, il a fallu quand même faire un choix. Les groupes qui ne figurent pas dans ce programme passeront en priorité dans le " Special Danemark 2006". En attendant vous pourrez trouver le programme de cette année ici.


It's done ! The " Denmark special" show 2005 is over. So many great Danish records were released this year that we had to get some rules. For a start, we decided not to play again people we already played in the "Denmark Special 2004", unless they had released a new album lately. Also we kept only artists who had full-length albums out ( the exception being Lesure Alaska). In spite of this, we had to make a very difficult choice . Bands and artists who don't figure in this show will be first on the setlist of the next " Denmark Special" in 2006. In the meantime, you can check what we played yesterday here.


29.05.2005 : DENMARK SPECIAL SHOW # 2


Voilà tout juste un an que nous diffusions notre première émission " Speciale Danemark" ( en fait deux émissions d' 1h30 chacune). Mais il s'est passé tellement de choses dernièrement en matière de musique au pays d'Andersen qu'il était plus que temps de remettre le couvert. Ce sera chose faite le jeudi 2 juin pour deux heures de musique rock/ pop/ folk/ électronique en provenance du Danemark avec tous les meilleurs groupes et artistes de la scène indépendante locale. Epo-555, Camilla Munck, Green Concorde, Ea Philippa, Leisure Alaska, Figurines, Moi Caprice, Nephew, Green Pitch, Efterklang, Erwin Thomas... Tous ces noms ne vous disent pas grand chose ? Raison de plus pour être à l'écoute jeudi prochain à 21 h. sur Radio Primitive..


Exactly one year ago, we were doing our first " Denmark Special" show ( actually two 90 mn-long shows). But so many things happened musicwise in Andersen's country during the last twelve months that time had really come for a " Denmark Special #2" . This will be done on june 2nd with two hours of Danish rock/ pop/ folk/ electronica , featuring all the best groups and artists from the local indie - and not so indie - scene. Money Your Love, Delicia Mini, Isles, Racetrack Babies, My Friend George, Mofus, the Blue Van, Lampshade, Claus Hempler, Maya Albana... You don't know who these people are ? That's a very good reason to get tuned to Rockomondo next thursday from 9 to 11 PM if you're in the area.



  Suite à d'ennuyeux changements d'horaires dans mon travail, je n'ai pas eu le temps de mettre à jour la rubrique "Playlists" de ce site, restée bloquée sur... novembre 2004 pendant plusieurs mois. Il était grand temps de s'en occuper, ce qui a été fait ( enfin !) ce week-end. Retrouvez donc à présent les playlists Rockomondo des mois de décembre 2004, de janvier, février, mars et avril 2005. Celle de janvier est particulièrement intéressante, puisqu'elle récapitule les 30 groupes et labels les plus souvent diffusés dans l'émission en 2004.  

Due to annoying changes in my day job, I've been unable to update the " Playlist" section for a while. It has finally been done this week-end, and you can now check our playlists for december 2004, and january, february, march and april 2005. the january one is particularly interesting as it recaps the 30 bands and labels that were most played in Rockomondo in 2004.


23.04.2005 : ROCKOMON...DIALITO


Merci, merci et encore merci à Junko Nishimura pour avoir héroïquement répondu en Français à nos questions alors qu'elle n'est en France que depuis quelques mois, et surtout pour ces quelques moments de grâce et de délicatesse qu'elle nous a offert en interprétant les chansons de Mondialito en direct dans Rockomondo. Et puis un grand merci également à son partenaire Toshiya Fueoka, resté à Tokyo, mais sans la musique de qui cette session n'aurait pu avoir lieu. Un troisième album de Mondialito sera enregistré cet été. En attendant, ne manquez pas d'aller visiter, ne serait-ce que pour vous procurer les deux précédents. Et écoutez un extrait de " L'azur " ( extrait de " Avant la pluie") et l'intégralité de " Rainy green grass" ( extrait de "Note of dawn").


Thanks a ton to Junko Nishimura for having been courageous enough to answer our questions in French, although she lives in France only since october 2004, and most of all thanks x 1000 for these precious moments of grace and poetry she brought to Rockomondo by singing Mondialito songs live in the show. A huge thank too to his partner Toshiya Fueoka in Tokyo, without whom this session simply couldn't have been done. The third Mondialito album will be recorded next summer. In the meantime, check to get hold of their previous two CDs. And listen to a sample of " L'azur" ( from the album " Avant la pluie") and the full-length " Rainy green grass" ( from the album " Note of dawn").




Demain soir, jeudi 21 avril 2005 à partir de 22h00, Rockomondo aura le plaisir de recevoir Junko Nishimura, la chanteuse du groupe japonais MONDIALITO ( " Avant la pluie", disque du Mois en juillet 2004). Au programme, une petite interview en trois parties suivie d'une session acoustique d'une vingtaine de minutes. Comme le partenaire de Junko, Toshiya Fueoka, n'a pas pu faire le déplacement de Tokyo, il nous a envoyé un CD contenant les parties musicales acoustiques des morceaux, sur lesquelles Junko chantera en direct. Jamais karaoké n'aura aussi bien sonné !


Tomorrow night, from 10 P.M and on, we'll be delighted to welcome Junko Nishimura, the female singer of Japanese band MONDIALITO ( " Avant la pluie", album of the month in july 2004). We'll do a short interview followed by a 20-minute long acoustic session. As Junko's partner, Toshiya Fueoka, couldn't come from Japan, he kindly sent us a CD featuring the acoustic accompaniment of the songs, on which Junko will sing live. You'll never hear a nicer karaoke than this one !


03.02.2005 : " SWEDEN SPECIAL".


Like every year, late january/ early february is the time for our " Sweden Special" show. We've had two major discoveries from Sweden last year: The Moonbabies with " The Orange Billboard" ( " Album Of The Month" in Rockomondo in june 2004) and The Concretes with their self-titled debut ( available everywhere on EMI). But we also enjoyed the come-back of Stina Nordenstam, the first solo album by David Fridlund from David & The Citizens ( more a 2005 album actually, as it has been, released just before Christmas), the 100% fun electro-punk of Quit Your Dayjob, chameleon-like Jens Lenkman who compiles Morrissey, Jonathan Richman, The Housemartins and Divine Comedy on his first international album, the joyous sounds of Hekki ( the side-project of Jari Haapalainen from The Bear Quartet), not forgetting The Soundtrack Of Our Lives neither Startracks' contribution to make 2004 better with Tiger Lou and Kristofer Aaström, to name but a few. Check the full program here, and visit the artists' homepages from the links provided.


17.01.2005 : Back from EUROSONIC NL and a lot to say ( when I'll find some time to do it...)


01.01.2005 : HAPPY NEW YEAR !


Start 2005 with 3 minutes and 6 seconds of pure beauty by watching the video-clip of Finn Coren's wonderful "Riverboat man" . Although this song is not new ( it formerly appeared on his " Lovecloud" album in 1999), it has been re-issued last october in the USA and Canada on a compilation titled " Peace songs for a better world", a good program in these very troubled times. Finn Coren is currently working on an album based on the poetry of Norwegian poet Olav H. Hauge. Check, and watch the video here. ( Thanks to Finn Coren.) ( Download free Windows Media Player).


05.12.2004 : GREEN CONCORDE


I can't believe it's already one week since I was in The Netherlands seeing Green Concorde's gig at DB's, Utrecht ! This was the nearest place from Reims the Danish band was playing in, and I couldn't possibly miss them after having played so many times their MP3's in Rockomondo. The release of their split-CD with Dutch post-rockers We vs Death ( available through Zabel in The Netherlands and Eglantine in France) was the main reason for this small Dutch tour ending in Utrecht. In spite of the fact it was only the band's 9th gig ( they're together for less than one year) and the singer was suffering from a terrible sore throat, I had a terrific time. Live, the four Danes display an electrifying stage presence and provide their tight, razor-sharp sound with style and attitude. Although the music-press often compares them to Interpol, it's much more Radio 4 circa " Gotham !" or even Franz Ferdinand that comes to mind when listening to these propulsive post-punk anthems. Green Concorde obviously belong to that current black suit/whiplash guitar trend, but they also have a sound of their own and definetely deserve to be recognized for their merits. I would have LOVED to see a 11-song gig as it was originally scheduled on the set-list, but there was no way that the the singer could sing more than 6 or 7 songs that night. At least, they played some of my favourites like "Detroit" or "2:26" ( both are still available for downloads on the band's website, but I'm looking forward to seeing them again with a longer set. Next year at Spot 11, maybe ?




I said earlier that our 2004 " Spain Special" had every chance to become the best Spanish show we've ever done. It was broadcasted yesterday night, and - why play it modest ? - I think it really was. Check the full 2-hour long program here.


27.10.2004 : THE DAY I MET JOHN PEEL


I couldn't believe my eyes when, entering the press-quarter at Sonar 2002 in Barcelona, I saw who was busy at the turntables. Very cool and very british under a big white tent, the great John Peel in person was giving another proof of his legendary maverick style by playing a set of... vintage ska and old-skool reggae in this all-electronic festival ! For me, seeing John Peel was like meeting the pope for a Christian ! And I mean it ! At home, I keep the poster of a festival from the sixties where his name is already on it. This guy has passed through the last decades without having ever been tempted by any form of " respectability" ( trying to become the head of a radio channel, for instance, or swaping music for supposedly more " serious" things like cinema or litterature), but only doing his job with passion, dedication and integrity.


On the next day, I was even more astonished when I saw him again shopping at CD-Drome, a nice record-shop located close to the festival site. He spent some time searching around in the vinyl and Cd's racks and ended up buying some, after having asked the seller for a promo-poster that was pinned on the wall. I couldn't possibly let him go without shaking hands and talking a bit with him, and that's what I did. The John Peel I met was pretty much like I thought he would be actually: a very british mix of phlegm and friendliness. It goes without saying that we chatted about radio and music, but when I told him I was living in Reims, he said ( in a far better English that this one): " Reims ! That's the place where I'll stop overnight on my way to England next monday ! Would you like to come and meet me again then, so we can have a beer and continue this conversation ? You just have to ask me at the hotel reception", and on a piece of paper he wrote his name ( the real one: John Ravenscroft) and the name of the hotel, which was actually located only two hundred meters from my place. Unfortunately, my son was coming to meet me in Spain the very next day, and I had no possibility to get in touch with him. Otherwise - and I swear it's true - I would have surrender without any regret the rented property I had paid for another week, and drive all the way to Reims just to spend the evening drinking beer and speaking of music with the one and only John Peel.


07.10.2004 : EMISSION DU JOUR


Il est à présent possible de consulter le programme de Rockomondo en ligne pendant la diffusion de l'émission et toute la semaine suivante, ainsi que d'accéder aux sites internet des artistes en cliquant simplement sur leur nom. Ca se passe ici.


From now on, it is possible to check Rockomondo's setlist while listening to the show and during the following week, and to check the artists' homepages by clicking on their name. Just go there.


29.09.2004 : HERE WE ARE AGAIN !!


After a very quiet summer ( mostly spent at work !), Rockomondo will be back on air on october 7th. We have a damn lot of newies to play after 2 months off air, and we're eager to rock the casbah again. October will be a very busy month, as we'll do interviews and live reports from Reims' first "Magnitude" festival, from october 21st to october 30th, featuring Rockomondo favourites Under Byen (DK), Minor Majority (N), Ghinzu (B), Girls in Hawaii (B), and Shannon Wright to name but a few. On november 11th, we'll broadcast our first " Special" show of this 2004-2005 season, dedicated to Spain, and judging by the topnotch quality of the stuff we brought back from our trip to Barcelona earlier this month, this could be the very best " Spain Special" we've ever done. Regarding acoustic sessions, none is scheduled yet, so if you bands and artists are coming in the area, pay us a visit ( good food, lodging and sympathy provided).


07.06.2004 : SPOT 10


I'm just back from Spot in Aarhus (DK) where I had great fun and a wonderful time. I can't think of another place on earth where it is possible to see so many Rockomondo's N°1 ( Nikolaj Norlund, David & The Citizens, Bergman Rock aka bob hund, Ephemera...) playing live in a 2-day time. Actually the whole bill looked like a giant Rockomondo program featuring regulars of the show like Mauro, Mintzkov Luna and Admiral Frebee from Belgium, Sergeant Petter, Thomas Dybdahl, Magnet and Sondre Lerche from Norway, First Floor Power and Laakso from Sweden, Mùm and Mugison from Iceland, not forgetting of course an impressive Danish crew that it would take too long to list. Great atmosphere, good music, ultra-dynamic sets, and definitely the best place to scout for new talents from Northern Europe. Full report of what I saw and heard here soon.

  20.05.2004 & 27.05.2004 : DENMARK SPECIAL SHOW(S)  
  It was a long long time that we hadn't done any " Denmark Special" show in Rockomondo, so when we finally decided to do one, we soon discovered that it was actually impossible to play all the good stuff we had in a 2-hour time. The solution was simple: we just had to do TWO shows instead of one. Check the band & track listing here: Part 1, Part 2  

05.05.2004 : UNDER BYEN (DK) IN FRANCE


A quite hectic show in Tourcoing yesterday ( The band arrived late, no soundcheck) put an end to Under Byen's first French tour, prior to the release in France of their 2nd album " Det er mig der holder traeerne sammen" on Telescopic. We went to the Tourcoing, Paris, and Amiens shows, and recorded the latest ( which, fortunately, was truly excellent: by far the best of the three) that we played on air ( well, only parts of it... ) on april 29th. We also seized that opportunity to put on line the interview we did with the band earlier this year at Eurosonic, Groningen (NL). You can read it either in English, or in French.




After their arresting appearance at the last Octob' Rock festival, local duet BREEZY TEMPLE will showcase their imminent first album " Cattleya Songs" in Rockomondo on thursday february 19th. Expect wonderful voices, dreamy harmonies, and 19th century Anglo-Saxon poetry. And check BREEZY TEMPLE's homepage ( in French).


29.01.2004 : SWEDEN SPECIAL


Every year, on the last january's thursday, it's Sweden's time on Rockomondo. For this 4th " Sweden Special", the selection was particularly impressive including old friends like bob hund/Bergman Rock, Nicolaï Dunger, Fireside, Christian Kjellvander, David & The Citizens and The Cardigans, and promising newcomers like Peter Björn and John, Tiger Lou, The Radio Dept. and Laakso. Check the full band/tracklisting here.




The music magazine " ZIC BOOM" has greeted Rockomondo as the best show on Radio Primitive, doing also favourable comparisons with " C'est Lenoir", the most famous and referential indie-rock show in France, broadcasted on the national radio. More like this, please ( Private message to Zic Boom: Where do you want me to send the cheque ?)


11.01.2004 : BACK FROM EUROSONIC...


...and I enjoyed every minute of it. I liked the town, saw great gigs including HELL ON WHEELS (S), UNDER BYEN (DK), GHINZU (B), St. THOMAS (N), THE REAL ONES (N), TEITUR ( FAROES), THE SOUNDTRACK OF OUR LIVES (S), WYNONA (DK), ALAMO RACE TRACK (NL), THIS BEAUTIFUL MESS (NL) and ZEA (NL). I also went to the " Live In The Living-Room" gigs and to the showcases at the Plato record-shop where I saw even more great artists. Finally, I met more people I knew than in my own hometown, and I did an interview with one of my favourite bands - ever - UNDER BYEN ( read here ). I'll be back next year.




Next week, the Rockomondo man will go up North to enjoy the Eurosonic/ Noorderslag festival in Groningen (NL). This is the very first time we go to this festival ( to our great shame as most of the bands who play there are Rockomondo's regulars ). With almost 150 bands on the bill in just three nights, making a choice will be very difficult indeed. One thing is sure already: there will be no time to get bored


01.01.2004( 00H00) :


A drunk guy is letting off fireworks just in front of my house. Wow ! That nice red one is just perfect to wish you a WONDERFUL AND PEACEFUL 2004 !


25.10.2003 : OCTOB' ROCK


In our sleepy town of Reims, the annual Octob'rock festival is something that can't be missed. This year, the bill was particularly exciting, including Norway's JAGA JAZZIST, EZ3KIEL, VENUS, THE TINDERSTICKS, ALPHA, JAMES YORKSTON & THE ATHLETES and THE CINEMATIC ORCHESTRA, among others. This decided me to join the crew of Radio Primitive's news-show " Expresso", hosted by Christelle, which was broadcasted live from the festival every day from 6 to 7 P.M.. I did daily reports of the gigs ( a printed version of these reports is available on request, only in French, sorry...), and two short interviews, one with JAGA JAZZIST's main composer LARS HORNTVETH ( read ) , the other with MARC HUYGHENS from Belgian band VENUS ( coming soon).




Today, we had the great pleasure to welcome JANNECKE and MICHAEL MILO from Dutch band KING ME. After a short interview illustrated with songs from their three albums, the pair delighted us with a 30 minute-long acoustic session ending with an unexpected slow-core version of KYLIE MINOGUE's hit " Can't get you out of my head". If everyone who listened to the show enjoyed it as much as the happy few who managed to find a place in our tiny studio, we can consider this as a success. Huuuge thanks to JANNECKE and MICHAEL, and come back when you want. ( KING ME's website can be found at: )


11.09.2003 : Rockomondo is back on air...


... and it's damn good to finally play on air all the good stuff we bought and received during the summer holidays. First " Album of the month " of the new Rockomondo season is the debut CD by Spanish newcomers MUDO. And next week, Dutch band KING ME come and pay us a visit in the show. What a great way to start the show again !


01.09.2003 : What did we do this summer... ( yes, it's about music...)


Yes, it's been a hot, hot, HOT summer ! And not only because of those damn high temperatures. Actually, everything started even before summer began. Early june, like every year, the Rockomondo man headed south to Barcelona to attend the 10th Sonar by Day festival. As I am more into guitar than electronic stuff, this event is a great opportunity to discover new bands and sounds that I would have certainly overlooked otherwise. This year, the average level was pretty high. Apart from thrilling again to the sound of Norway's JAGA JAZZIST, just as excellent as at last year's Pukkelpop, I particularly enjoyed the japanese delegation made up of TAKAGI MASAKATSU ( whose bucolic data-pop brought a breathe of fresh air into the suffocating heat of the Sonar Lab), TUJIKO NORIKO ( difficult to miss her this summer: she played in all major festivals) and most of all SKETCH SHOW, the new project led by ex-YMO HARUOMI HOSONO and YUKIHIRO TAKAHASHI. Phlegmatic and classy, the two wise men delivered a wonderful melodic set halfway between past and future: simply the sound of today ! Another Sonar highlight was the arresting performance of JAMIE LIDDELL (UK) who really turned amok on stage and offered to an enthusiastic audience something that is missing much in festivals of electronic music: a real show ! His I-don't-give-a-fuck jam with MATTHEW HERBERT and an over-excited ARTO LINDSAY will be remembered for a long time ! While in Barcelona, I also checked a few Spanish bands showcasing at the local Fnac. Playing to a packed house, LA BUENA VIDA were apparently in a bad day: poor playing, out of tune vocals, an inexplicable mess which doesn't prevent us to wait eagerly for their forthcoming CD " Album", though. The same day, youngsters MADEE were showcasing their second album " Secret Chamber" and did it well. Although they had obviously some difficulties in focusing only on the music, due to their many friends in the audience, this short set confirmed the good impression left after their excellent debut album. Think of an emo-core version of 80's bands like THE SOUND and ECHO & THE BUNNYMEN, and you'll get a rough yet rather good idea of what MADEE is about. Finally, the three nutters of DOCTOR EXPLOSION, still wearing their legendary pleated skirts, delivered an exhilarating 30 minutes set. It was more than enough for these RAMONES, PLASTIC BERTRAND and FLAMIN' GROOVIES fans to give a good insight into their latest ( and best ?) album " Musica grabada, saltos y canticos". The following month, the Rockomondo man went to Belgium where the free " Rock Herk" festival had both Finland's SWEATMASTER and Sweden's FIRESIDE on the same stage, and on the same day. Unfortunately, the hypervitaminic rock n' roll of SWEATMASTER failed to fire the sparse audience of this sunny early afternoon. Obviously, this is an act that is best seen at night in a crowdy smoky club. But SWEATMASTER live are not as nuts as you could think from listening to the edgy racket of their debut CD. FIRESIDE weren't much luckier, with a set spoiled with continuous sound problems. I don't know if this got on their nerves, but the five did a mean, filthy set, much closer to the hardcore of their first releases than to the more polished sound of their recent " Elite" and " Get shot" ( well... not that polished on the latter). Incidentally, his three-piece suit won CHRISTOFER ASTROM by far the Classy-Guy-Of-The-Day Award. But the best performance of the festival came from California's THE BLACK HEART PROCESSION. I admit that I didn't know much of their music before, but their wonderful and sensitive set, enhanced with an excellent lightning ( the night had finally decided to fall) proved to be the best surprise of the day, with singer PALL JENKINS even doing a remake of the famous Jimi-Plays-Monterey fire sacrifice with.... his musical saw.The belgian adventures of the Rockomondo man were not finished though, as I came back there again for the great " Lokerse Feesten" ( one night out of ten: sometimes I need to earn my living too...) and by mid-august for the legendary "Marktrock" in Leuven. Since 3 or 4 years, the Marktrock is not as good as it used to be, but I still managed to catch the very nice set of SATELLITE CITY ( 70's oriented pop led by an ex-METAL MOLLY). An excellent surprise was LUC CRABBE ( BETTY GOES GREEN) guesting to do some LOU REED and BOWIE covers with the band. But the best moment of Marktrock 2003 will remain the unexpected gig of MAURO AND THE GROOMS, added to the bill at the very last moment in replacement of CHRIS SPEDDING. On stage ( and maybe out too...) MAURO PAWLOVSKI is an unbearable poseur, but with THE GROOMS, his best band yet, he brings a glorious achievement to a quest he started with EVIL SUPERSTARS and continued with MAURO ( the band). MAURO AND THE GROOMS deliver primitive beats, great guitars assaults ( the BEEFHEART influence is never far) and prove they can easily subdue the eclectic Marktrock audience with their rugged and warp rock n' roll. If their forthcoming album is on the same level as this fantastic set, it will certainly deserve some attention. I returned to Belgium once more early september to " Les Nuits Botaniques" festival in Brussels. It was the first time that Rockomondo's danish faves MEW were playing not too far from my place, so I couldn't decently miss them. The gig was great, and it will be featured in a forthcoming Rockomondo report. Stay tuned !


31.03.2003: Gigs Gigs


Next week will be a busy one for your dedicated globe-rocker in chief. First we'll head to Tilburg (NL) for the SALLY FORTH festival: an excellent opportunity to check how bands from this excellent Dutch label sound and look like on stage. Then we'll go to Paris on april 8th to see AROAH and MANTA RAY (E) live. An interview is scheduled with MANTA RAY in the afternoon. Finally, on friday april 11th our destination will be Hasselt (B) because we really wanted to come and see the truly fantastic NOSTOC after we fell in love with their debut album " Too big for his boots". Moreover, they'll share the bill with another great Belgian band, ORANGE BLACK, so it makes two very good reasons not to miss this show. No need to say we'll record as many gigs as possible for airplay purpose.


14.02.2003: RICK TREFFERS (bis)


It was great to meet Rick and Mist's drummer Jaimy. The acoustic session was truly wonderful, with songs from the new album and even some unreleased numbers. Check these pages to read the interview soon.




In order to celebrate the release of their new album " We should have been stars" ( Astro Discos), Rick Treffers, singer/guitarist/songwriter with Dutch band MIST ( formerly known as MISS UNIVERSE) will come and see us on thursday february 13th. An interview and a live acoustic session are both scheduled in La Radio Primitive brand new studio. Check the band's homepage at


06.02.2003: " Sweden Special"




01.01.2003 ( 00H00): HAPPY NEW YEAR 2003 TO YOU ALL !!!


11.12.2002: THOU live


On saturday november 30th, the Rockomondo man had a round trip to the wonderful town of Ghent ( Belgium) in order to see our faves THOU who did a showcase at the local Fnac. Reduced to the nucleus of Does de Wolf ( voice, organ & electronics) and Bart Vincent ( voice, guitar), the pair delivered a highly enjoyable one hour show - including a Pascal Comelade cover and two unreleased songs ( Lovely Joe, Eyes) - that, of course, we recorded and broadcasted in Rockomondo the following week. Check THOU's new album " Elvis or Betty Boop", and their homepage at:


05.12.2002: " Norway Special"




As it was not enough, Norway was also one of the main topics we tackled one week later, with a special sequence dedicated to the wonderful music of an artist who has been making great albums since the late 80's and certainly deserves more recognition: FINN COREN ( Bard Records).


Finally, on thursday december 12th, we did a " Norway Special" sequel for the bands we didn't find the time to play in the november show, this time with SERENA MANEESH, JR EWING, CAMAROS, WONDERBELLY, CERRATO and MAGIC PILLOWS. Huge thanks to our spy in Norway Sam Roy, and to all the bands, labels and agencies who helped us in making this Norway project a reality.


16.11.2002: Rockomondo goes west


On november 16th, the rockomondo man drove the 650 km between Reims and Nantes in the aim - among others - of attending JOMI MASSAGE's gig at Nantes Pannonica. JOMI MASSAGE is the band leaded by Signe from Danish band SPEAKER BITE ME, helped by drummer Emil ( SPEAKER BITE ME) and Luke Sutherland ( GB, ex-LONG FINN KILLIE, now with BOWS) on guitar and violin. The gig was excellent and recorded for a future broadcast. We also did a short interview with Signe, soon to be published in these pages.


26.10.2002: " Norway Special" Delayed


Due to the flood of newies currently released in Norway, we have decided to postpone our " Norway Special" show until November 28th in order to make it the most complete and best as possible. Labels interested can send their stuff right now. Deadline to participate is November 24th. Thanks to everyone in advance.


19.10.2002: Rockomondo theme tune


For all the nice people who continually ask us the question: The Rockomondo theme tune is called " Freak out!". It has been composed and played by chameleon Finnish rockers TEHOSEKOITIN on the eponymous album ( 1999, Levy-Yhtio, check ).


03.10.2002 : " Spain Special"


Last week, we did the first " Special Show" of the year, wholly dedicated to Spain. The program included newies and goodies such as BALAGO, GALACTICA, CARROTS, AUSTRALIAN BLONDE, JEAN PAUL SPECIAL, Sr. CHINARRO, YA TE DIGO, BEEF, MIGALA, TAN LOW, MUS, LA BUENA VIDA, NOSOTRÄSH, ELECTRA, LA HABITACION ROJA, LOS NINOS MUTANTES, PLASTIC FACE, AINA, THE UNFINISHED SYMPATHY, AROAH, NACHO VEGAS, THE ZINEDINES, SIDONIE, DELUXE, MAGA, LOVE OF LESBIAN, FINE!, M, SOUVENIR and finally SCHWARZ. As two hours were really too short, we had to do a sequel on the following thursday, this time with DWOMO, EMAK BAKIA, APEIRON, DOCTOR DIVAGO, UNA SONRISA TERRIBLE, OCTUBRE, REFREE and POLAR. Phew ! In case some of you guys thought nothing was happening there, now you can change your mind. The complete program with titles of songs + albums and labels is available on request. Feel free to ask for one.


15.09.2002: What did we do last summer...


Hi there, rockers and popsters ! Hope you had all an awesome summertime. Everything was just allrite for yours truly. Actually, it all began late june with a short trip to Sonar, Barcelona. I took a sun bath ( and a crowd bath as well), danced to the sound of Finland's finest Aavikko and Op:l Bastards, and drank muchas outrageously expensive cervezas ( still cheaper than in Paris though !). While shopping at CD-Drome, my favourite record-shop east of the ramblas, I even met the N°1 hero of any self-respecting radio-DJ, the godfather of airwaves in person, the one and only Mister John Peel !! Wow ! I shook hands with the living legend and didn't wash them since, honest !


On august 24th, I also popped to Pukklepop, Hasselt (B). There, I took a mudbath surrounded by thousands of metal freaks in Slipknot, Metallica and Guns n' roses tee-shirts ( Gn'R were heading the bill on main stage that night). An experience ! But I managed to catch a little bit of Lali Puna here, a little bit of 22 Pistepirkko there, and most of all, I thrilled to the music of Norway's 10 piece combo Jaga Jazzist who really blew my mind ( and not just mine, judging by the enthusiastic reception they got !). Sadly, as I had to go back early, I missed once again their friends and fellow countrymen Motorpsycho. Too bad ! Good news: the Pukklepop mud doesn't stick that much to shoes. Bad news: It doesn't stick but it fuckin' stinks ! Next time, please remove the cows from the festival site long enough before it starts.


Inbetween Sonar and Pukklepop, the Rockomondo man also enjoyed the folk, traditional and "world" music from all over the planet displayed all summer long at our local and excellent " Festival des Musiques d'Ici et d'Ailleurs" in Chalons en Champagne. Highlights included the neat vocal harmonies of Flemish girls Laïs, the poetic performance of French Lo'Jo, an incredible mixture of Poitou and Pakistan folklore with Koyi Baat Nahi, the bouncing energy of young cubans Son Trinidad, and best of all, the excellent Orchestra Baobab from Senegal. Great fun throughout !


Nice souvenirs indeed, but after two months off, there's something again bubbling under, some kind of excitement in the air. Time has come from a brand new start !


The new ROCKOMONDO season 2002/ 2003 will start september 12th, and as soon as early october we'll do our first Special with a 2 hours long Spanish show. This gives you a fair idea of how we'd like this year to be as, from now on, we intend to particularly focus on these Specials which are now one of of the show's trademark. The Spanish program will be followed by a " Norway Special" on october 31 ( a premiere for Norway in ROCKOMONDO !). We'll do, like every year, a " Sweden Special" on the last thursday of january, and a " Denmark Special" early 2003, at a date that has yet to be decided.


We also mean to keep on with the live interviews and acoustic sessions as often as possible: It's still a big thrill to have artists playing live in ROCKOMONDO, an this gives the show a definitive plus. This is not an easy thing to organize though, the main reason being that gig opportunities in and around Reims have become pretty thin lately, due to the closing of the town's two main venues for rock and pop. No need to say that any artist/ band that would like to come and see us in the purpose of a session will be given a warm reception including (good) food and lodging. It may be possible to also couple a radio-session in ROCKOMONDO with a showcase at the local FNAC if we're forewarned soon enough. If you run a label and go to Paris for any reason, you're kindly invited as well to come for an interview and bring your freshest newies. Reims is only 80 minutes by train, 90 mn by car ( motorway) from Paris.