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Album of the Month : february 1999



bob hund (S):

" Jag rear ut min själ ! Allt skall bort !!! "

( Silence )


What could I say about bob hund that hasn't been said before ? Well, these guys simply provide more fun and excitement than any other band currently on activity on this sad planet.

Check the song picked up for single release ( Nu är det väl revolution pa gang ? ) to make it sure: you'd have to be a legless cripple not to get up and jump all around like a flubber ball. But even in a wheelchair, you couldn't help a large smile coming on your face at the tricks and pranks of singer THOMAS ÖBERG. Or avoid the breathe of fresh air leaking out of your speakers to bob hund inimitable sound : a strange alchemy which blends THOMAS' distinctive high-pitched vocals, the irresistible propulsive punch of JOHN ESSING'S guitar, the organ going amok, and all the rest, what can't be explained, the unique way bob hund arrange these elements together to make them sound like nothing else.

It would be easy to advertise this album like an old adventure movie: Action ! Fun ! Emotion ! Excitement ! Yes, it's all in there, and much much more. Le nouvel album de bob hund est un pur moment de bonheur.